A Look at 3 Types of Garage Door Openers

Deciding on the right garage door and garage door opener for your home may have you feeling like you need to be an expert on all things garage door. However, as a homeowner, it is not necessary that you intimately understand all the ins and outs of garage doors. There are always experts to turn to like those here at Boulder Garage Door in Boulder, Colorado. But if you are interested in taking a look at 3 types of garage door openers then keep reading for more information.
These 3 types of garage door openers each have plusses and minuses. Which one is right for you, will depend on your particular situation. It isn’t a good idea to simply pick one because it’s the cheapest or the least maintenance. Instead, you should think about which factor is most important for your home and family and choose from there.
Okay, let’s take a look at 3 types of garage door openers.
Chain Drive:
A chain drive garage door opener is the one you will find in most homes. As can be surmised from the name, a chain is employed to push (or pull depending on your point of view) a trolley that causes the door to move up and down. This type of opener is extremely reliable and cost-effective. The one thing that most people find unpleasant is that they do make a significant amount of racket. For this reason, they can be more suited to a detached garage.
Belt Drive:
This is basically the same idea as a chain drive, but instead of a chain, a belt drive is used. The big plus to this is that it runs much more quietly, so it’s a great option for attached garages. You won’t wake up the entire household if you come home late. However, the tradeoff is that they are not as cost-effective.
Screw Drive:
This type of garage opener operates by rotating a threaded steel rod to move the trolley that brings the door up or down. The biggest plus to this type is that because it has fewer parts than the other types, it is easier to maintain and might even last a bit longer. But if noise is a concern for you, it goes in the category with the chain drive and would be better for a detached garage.
Now that you’ve had a look at 3 types of garage door openers, you might know just what you want. You might also be just as undecided as you were previously. That’s okay, because we’re here to help and you don’t have to make this decision on your own. When you turn to the professionals here at Boulder Garage Door, we will help you choose the perfect option for your home. We have over 40 years of experience with garage doors in the Boulder, Colorado area and we put that knowledge to good use for every homeowner we work with. With us, you will get exactly what you need!