5 Common Garage Door Repair Problems and How to Avoid Them

In 1992, the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission implemented new regulations for electric garage doors in order to prevent injuries. But, this doesn't mean that garage doors today are without their risk.Similar to how cars will need maintenance from time to time, garage doors have a whole set of repair issues that homeowners have to deal with. And, it's important to understand the signs you need to watch out for.Not sure where to start? Don't worry, Boulder Garage Door has you covered.Let's take a look at everything you need to know about garage door repair problems.
1. Door Doesn't Stay Shut
We know. This is one of the most frustrating experiences you've had to deal with (especially if you're running late).Sometimes, garage doors like to immediately open back up as soon as they touch the ground after closing. More often than not, however, there's an easy fix that takes just a few minutes.There are sensors on either side of the garage door that serve as a protective measure. These devices are why garage doors stop closing if you walk under them while the door is moving downward.So, if the sensors are covered in dust/debris or aren't properly aligned, they can trick the garage door into thinking there's something in the way underneath it.This typically requires simple DIY garage door repair. By cleaning the sensors or slightly adjusting them to fix their alignment, you'll prevent this problem from occurring in the future.
2. Door Won't Open
This issue can be just as frustrating. Unfortunately, it can also have a handful of potential causes.Possible reasons why the door won't function include:
- The remote control opener for the door is malfunctioning/needs batteries
- The wall-mounted operator is malfunctioning
- Sensors are covered in debris/not properly aligned
- The garage door track is bent
- Broken springs
While it's easy enough to replace batteries or check the sensors, a malfunctioning operator may need the assistance of a professional. You can, however, reset your breaker panel and see if that resolves the issue.It's important to note that you should never attempt to fix broken springs/tracks on your own, as you could be putting yourself at serious risk. For this issue, bring in the garage door repair experts.
3. Squeaking/Grinding as The Door Moves
While this issue isn't as dangerous as some of the garage door problems you might face, it's one of the most unpleasant.Nobody wants to be the one in their neighborhood with a garage door that screeches and squeals the entire time that it opens or closes. This is especially true if you tend to leave early in the morning or come home late at night.But, if there isn't an issue with the door's movement, you'll likely be able to solve the issue on your own.Here are some of your potential options for garage door repair:
Tighten The Track
The garage door and its track have nuts in place to keep them stable. When these become loose, it can cause the door to make noise during use.Luckily, a socket wrench is all you need to quiet things down.
Hinge Replacement
The hinges that hold the garage door rollers can become warped and worn over time. While you can't tighten these to fix them, you can find replacements at hardware stores or online.
Roller Replacement
Like with garage door hinges, rollers that get worn down as time goes on can begin to make noise when they function.There's a catch with rollers, though. Depending on the type of your garage door that you have, there may be springs near the bottom of the door called torsion springs.These are constantly under significant tension and can cause serious injury if not handled properly.If you're looking to replace your rollers, it's best to get in touch with a professional.
4. Frozen Door
This is never an issue in areas with warmer climates. But, those of us in Colorado don't have that luxury. On particularly cold days, it's not impossible for the bottom of the garage door to freeze to the floor.Many times, simply activating the garage door is enough to break up the ice and get things rolling. Other times, however, the door will remain stuck.Rather than continually mash the opener button and risk causing damage to your door, it's best to try and melt the ice yourself.One of the best methods you can use is to take a hairdryer and slowly move along the bottom of the door. You can also use tools with blunt edges (like a shovel or trowel) to chip the ice away.
5. Door is Jammed or Stuck
What's worse than a garage door that won't open? One that opens halfway and then gets stuck.This is one of the worst scenarios to be in. The door isn't raised enough to move a vehicle through the garage, but it's open enough to allow intruders to enter your home.To make matters worse, it often isn't a fix that you can do on your own. Broken/bent tracks and worn cables and pulleys are often the culprits.Since these repairs carry significant risk, you're going to need a professional to resolve the issue once your door fails to open completely.
Recognizing Garage Door Repair Problems Can Seem Difficult
But it doesn't have to be. With the above information about garage door repair in mind, you'll be well on your way to putting a stop to any potential issues. And if there's an issue you need help with, just call Boulder Garage Door.Want to learn more garage door tips? Make sure to check out the rest of our blog!